
Welcome to ReHold, an app designed to offer a seamless experience in the DeFi space. This Docs will serve as a guides, providing you with an overview of the key features and offerings of ReHold.

Welcome to ReHold, a user-friendly DeFi app, where high-yield, short-term investments with up to 220% APR meet user-friendly accessibility and seamless transaction experiences.

ReHold leverages advanced financial strategies and cutting-edge blockchain technology to offer high-yield returns with Dual Investments. Whether you're an experienced crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the DeFi space, ReHold is designed to serve your needs.

Our team has adopted a meticulous approach to completing the docs. We hope you find the information both useful and comprehensive.

Easy DeFi Investment

Dive into our step-by-step guide to getting started. Our team has detailed each step you need to take to achieve up to 220% APR with Dual Investment.

Dual Investment

Supercharge your DeFi earnings! Unlock high returns for everyone with 220% APR Dual Investments through CLMM. Read about how it works.

Innovative Protocol

ReHold is an innovative protocol that utilizes cutting-edge DeFi technology to provide the best user experience. Explore our architecture to see for yourself.

Low Fees & Gas Free

ReHold doesn't charge any fees for Dual Investment. We strive to provide users with the simplest, most affordable, and most convenient DeFi investing experience possible. Choose from any of the 6 available blockchains to find the best gas fee and completely bypass gas-free replay.

Earn Together

Check out our Referral Program, where you can earn 10% of the income generated by users you invite.

ReHold Partnerships

The ReHold team appreciates and respects all participants in the crypto community and is always open to new partnerships and collaborations with other projects. We have already conducted numerous partner events and made many new friends. We look forward to hearing from you.

Decentralized & Secure

Invest in Duals directly from your wallet app. Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, ReHold doesn't hold your funds when you trade: you maintain 100% ownership of your cryptocurrency.


Our site and all our Smart Contracts are publicly visible for maximum transparency:

Last updated